8 Reasons Why Leaders Choose SOIG as Their Performance Management Solution
1. S.O.I.G. gives 30 free business days of Train-the-Trainer consulting, training, and coaching (Included in the initial training.).
2. S.O.I.G. provides a team of friendly, technical coaches that are available (Monday-Friday 8am-5pm PST), and on weekends by special appointment.
3. SOIG’s Essential Progressive Solutions. Afford clients the option of selecting solutions specific to their immediate needs and pace:
Essential I | Essential II | Essential III
4. Virtual “In The Now” Messaging:
- accelerates organizational learning – to keep pace with change.
- provides businesses a way to be “In The Now,” — a virtual destination designed to facilitate engagement between users, linked by congruent tasks and goals.
- takes the pain out of performance appraisals.
- provides a messaging template – making messages context rich to generate knowledge.
- quickly generates, organizes, and archives big data, information, and knowledge.
- provides video conferencing across the platform.
- delivers World Class Security: Amazon Web Services.
- archives all project, internal day to day, and customer interactions.
5. SOIG lightens the stress caused by disorganization, miscommunication, and lack of direction —SOIG avails more human energy for quality performance which ensures task and project management success.
6. Smart Multi-Use Strategic Job Map Canvases: SOIG gives every business smart multi-use strategic job, project map, and value chain canvases. The canvases support the presentation of easy and convenient tools that are foundational — to the 8 Reasons Why Leaders Choose SOIG as Their Performance Management Solution.
- Creation and management of strategic plans,
- Smart Goal Linkage.
- Problem solving,
- Hiring tool construction,
- Vendor vetting,
- Customer service, and
- Project management.
7. Comprehensive On-Boarding of Talent and Customers and more: SOIG provides users with learner-centered on-boarding capability, which doubles as a “go-to framework” for delivery of internal training, coaching and consulting (ICTCM).
8. Learning Center:
- Clients are excited to access SOIG’s integrated LMS.
- eLearning center. With a click of the mouse, you design learning to build capacity.