History of SOIG

The genesis of SOIG occurred in 1995 as a template design emerging from a Watts and Associates’ small business consulting intervention that resuscitated an entertainment concern in San Francisco, California. The design provided a human management system that helped shape the culture, operationalize it at every level. The establishment stabilized and was sold at a profit; it exists today as a destination for blues and Mississippi Delta food aficionados.

Today, SOIG’s 75 foundational features have been successfully expanded to address the design needs of the current marketplace. Its infrastructure was developed to accommodate future scaling needs of businesses

SOIG By Design

SOIG’s simple flexible and nimble design make it attractive across generations of users. It empowers C Suit and management to execute efficient distribution of labor, and development of talent in every size and type of organization in the world. Unique smart design features support the integration of culture and work, a dynamic once believed symbiotic, to form “Areas of Accountable” that triangulates talent, technical work, and culture synergistically, to shape “LifePlaces” that produce mutual benefit.

Smart companies know that enriching the soil bed of the Lifeplace is a mutual benefit and know that meeting the needs of their people is critical to the bottom-line – as they are the customer’s main point of contact in the supply chain. Meeting this need is at the core of SOIG’s value proposition. It supports the shaping of cultures where people know their individual goals are valued, (i.e., career development, social values, and health).

Using a sophisticated hybrid dialogic platform, SOIG provides businesses a way to support a “state of perpetual now”. Being in the “now” means being continuously informed through active engagement with goal and task congruence system wide. Thus, SOIG builds and strengthens partnerships by giving people access to critical intel to encourage reciprocity with sharing resources during tasks, lightens the stress emergent of uncertainty and avails more human energy for quality performance for project management, problem solving, talent development, conflict resolution, strategic planning, and budgeting. All project interactions are archived, supporting accurate “two-way” (360 feedback for leaders by direct reports) performance appraisals that remove the pain from the performance appraisal process for management and direct reports.

SOIG is more than a mobile accessible application; it is a dynamic iterative process that further distinguishes it in the SAAS market landscape. The process equips organizations with a flexible learner centered technique to support SOIG implementation and integration and as a “go to framework” for delivering training, coaching, and consulting content.